
If I were to use one word to describe my experience with the Reform Symposium – RSCON3 (so far, there are still a couple of sessions left), it would be Inspirational! The presentations/keynotes/panel discussions which I was able to attend were absolutely amazing!  I only wish I could have attended more.  One of the bestContinue reading “Inspirational”


What a great experience it has been so far with the Reform Symposium! While it is difficult to attend a lot of sessions with my three kids, but it has been great to be able to have the sessions going on in the background.  I have also had the opportunity to save the conversation thatContinue reading “RSCon3!”

Deposits and Withdrawls

My last post talked about the importance of building relationships and taking time need to really set things up before moving forward. It is this time and care that will enhance learning, achievement, and allow change to occur. Without this time and care,  change could be faced with animosity and dissention and, will likely notContinue reading “Deposits and Withdrawls”

Go Slow to Go Far

My family and I went out for our evening exercise routine this evening.  Our three-year-old isn’t feeling the best right now, so he spent most of his time in the stroller, next to his 6-month-old brother.  He’s been feeling under the weather the last couple of days, so he knew he wasn’t going to getContinue reading “Go Slow to Go Far”

Personalized Learning – Help Needed

This fall, I will be teaching two classes which are new to me: Health & Career Education for 2 Grade 5 classes and Physical Education for 2 Grade 6 classes.  Looking at the prescribed learning outcomes as laid out by the BC Ministry of Education has made me excited about the prospect of teaching theseContinue reading “Personalized Learning – Help Needed”

Your Words Mean A Lot

I have been personally reflecting on the importance of words and the choice people make to use certain words. More importantly, I’ve been thinking about how imperative it is to do what you say you are going to do.  This is important both on a personal level and on a professional level. While I knowContinue reading “Your Words Mean A Lot”

Reform Symposium Online Conference – FREE!

Have you signed up for the FREE Reform Symposium Online Conference? I have! It takes place Friday, July 29 – Sunday, July 31 and looks AMAZING! There will be something for everyone!  Just think, where else would you get leaders in education presenting for 3 full days – on countless topics?  The days are jammedContinue reading “Reform Symposium Online Conference – FREE!”

Leadership Abilities Quiz

I was reading the headlines in a newspaper online today called, Leadership in Distance Education.  It is basically a newspaper that highlights recent blog posts written by people in leadership positions. Some of the headlines of the posts were quite interesting and included titles such as, “Leadership Theories” (OK, maybe that is not that interesting), “100Continue reading “Leadership Abilities Quiz”

Pinning Your Way to Pro-D

Professional Development is really everywhere and anywhere you want to look!  I realized this when a few friends introduced me to Pinterest.  This is a website where you have a number of themed virtual bulletin boards that you fill with items from different websites.  If you like something, you simply “pin” it to your appropriateContinue reading “Pinning Your Way to Pro-D”

Prezi! Prezi! Prezi!

Wow!  I finished my first Prezi!  This is a great presentation tool that can be used for any audience. I designed this prezi for the Grade 5 classes who I will be teaching Health and Career Eduction to in the fall.  It is an introductory prezi that gives the students an overview of Health and CareerContinue reading “Prezi! Prezi! Prezi!”