Exciting Times

I’ve been at my new school for over a week now – organizing, working on schedules, planning, and participating in professional development, and, most importantly, I’ve been getting to know, and building relationships with people in my new school. In the past week, I’ve started to get to know the principal with whom I willContinue reading “Exciting Times”

To Teach Analog Or Not… That is the Question

I attended a Professional Development session at my school today. There were about 16-20 staff members present (there is another Professional Development session tomorrow which the others will likely attend). Part of the professional development session, which is planned by teachers, focused on Math curriculum and how it is aligned and sequenced with respect toContinue reading “To Teach Analog Or Not… That is the Question”

My Messages

Here I sit, pondering the first time I will meet my teachers and my students at my new school.  While I have met some of the teachers in passing, I have not yet met the students I will be teaching – Grade 5 Health and Career Education and Grade 6 – Physical Education. What isContinue reading “My Messages”

Ask for Directions Already!

According to the online Free Mirriam-Webster dictionary, networking is, “the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions; specifically : the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business”. I would say though that networking is so much more than that. In fact, opportunities to network are everywhere. Take, for instance, times where youContinue reading “Ask for Directions Already!”

Teacher Survival Kit

There is only a week and a half before I start back to work. I need to go shopping for items to include in our Welcome Back package for staff. My principal and I are making these Teacher Survival Kits for our staff as a Welcome Back gifty.  All items are purchased/gathered then put intoContinue reading “Teacher Survival Kit”

Relationships are Key

Since I started on Twitter a month ago, I have found so many wonderful people to add to my PLN.  They have posted articles blogs, research and, more importantly, they have been inspiring.  Their enthusiasm, their love for learning, their passion and their generosity have been infectious. I have been very fortunate to build veryContinue reading “Relationships are Key”

Everyday Learning

As the title of my blog states, I strongly believe that we learn something each and every day. This may be learning about something personally: a hobby, about yourself, or about people you care about.  You may also learn things on a more professional perspective. Today I am going to talk about some things IContinue reading “Everyday Learning”

Thanks, Leadership Day 2011

Leadership Day 2011 has become very inspiring!  So far, there are 76 blog posts listed that talk about Technology and Leadership in one way or another. I have read a few, but look forward to read many, many more. One blog post that I read tonight really spoke to what I wrote in my ownContinue reading “Thanks, Leadership Day 2011”

Being a Tech-Change Agent

Scott McLeod of bigthink: Dangerously Irrelevant has put out a challenge for the past 4 years in an effort to educate our fellow administrators in the area of digital technologies.  He is calling on all educational bloggers to post a blog on August 5th, 2011 (Leadership Day 2011) –  that is related to the implementationContinue reading “Being a Tech-Change Agent”