It’s Not About Power and Control

Whether you are a mother, father, sister, brother, teacher, administrator, or anyone in management, it is important to understand that trying to exert power and control is usually not very effective. Too often I see and hear about people trying to exert their control and power over another individual(s).  Perhaps, they feel that is theirContinue reading “It’s Not About Power and Control”

Positively Positive – Attitude IS Everything!

Attitude is everything.  Everywhere.  In every situation. A person’s attitude not only contributes to one’s own feelings, but also the feelings of others. A person’s attitude is contagious.  If you have a positive, optimistic, attitude, that is what you will receive in return, for the most part. If you possess a negative disposition, you will getContinue reading “Positively Positive – Attitude IS Everything!”

Self-Assessment – Oh the Horror!

Self-Assessment … it’s a (long) process. We all know the importance of Assessment AS learning …. This is when students (and adults, for that matter) reflect, and self-assess their learning that real long-term learning and growth can occur. When the students in my Health and Career Education classes completed their end of the term self-assessmentContinue reading “Self-Assessment – Oh the Horror!”

App-Learning Curve

Having iPads at my school and having to manage them and their apps has proven to be an interesting task.  If you know me at all, you would know that when I am involved in a project I usually jump in with both feet.  That’s what I’ve done with the iPads. Knowing that we wantedContinue reading “App-Learning Curve”

Letter Grades and Learning

My students started their self-assessment for Term 2 today (in the 2 French classes I teach).  I also managed to start the individual conferences with my students. During these conferences, we discussed the Prescribed Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the term and how their knowledge, in relation to these PLOs, translate into a letter grade.  InContinue reading “Letter Grades and Learning”

Attendance and Engagement

Engagement is what makes the difference for kids! I am the vice principal of an inner-city school. It has been determined that our school is in the top ten percent of schools in our district of 124 schools with the highest rate of absenteeism. So, you may wonder what is being done to help increaseContinue reading “Attendance and Engagement”

David Warlick – Part 2 – Checklist for Teachers

There were many wonderful ideas and thoughts presented to us by David Warlick (@dwarlick) at the Focus Day this past Friday.  Instead of trying to share all that I learned in one VERY long blog post, I have decided to write a few shorter posts. David Warlick started the day by reminding us that “WeContinue reading “David Warlick – Part 2 – Checklist for Teachers”

Focus Day with David Warlick – Part 1

David Warlick presented at our District Focus Day today. What a great 5 hours this was!  Yes, 5 hours with David Warlick.  To say that many of us, okay, probably just me, were overwhelmed at the end of David’s presentation is probably an understatement. I took 16 pages of notes.  Not sure why I tookContinue reading “Focus Day with David Warlick – Part 1”

David Warlick Preview

David Warlick (@dwarlick), author of blog 2 Cents Worth, is visiting our district tomorrow for the second time this year. In October, he talked to us during one of our Engaging the Digital Learner evening sessions.  His session was entitled, “Cracking the Code of 21st Century Learners”.  Indeed, something we need to do. Together. IContinue reading “David Warlick Preview”

Children: The Heart of the Matter

Our city is hosting the Children: The Heart of the Matter conference this weekend.  Last night was the Keynote address by Dr. Gordon Neufeld.  Dr. Neufeld is a developmental psychologist with 40 years of experience with children and youth and their care-givers.  He has presented his ideas extensively around the world and has written aContinue reading “Children: The Heart of the Matter”