Letter Grades …. A Parent’s Worry

I am blogging as a parent of a little girl (she would say big girl, but anyways, she’ll always be my baby) who is entering Grade 4 this year in British Columbia. Academically, she has done very well throughout her schooling thus far. But, I still worry. I am concerned about the letter grades sheContinue reading “Letter Grades …. A Parent’s Worry”

Self-Assessment – Oh the Horror!

Self-Assessment … it’s a (long) process. We all know the importance of Assessment AS learning …. This is when students (and adults, for that matter) reflect, and self-assess their learning that real long-term learning and growth can occur. When the students in my Health and Career Education classes completed their end of the term self-assessmentContinue reading “Self-Assessment – Oh the Horror!”

Letter Grades and Learning

My students started their self-assessment for Term 2 today (in the 2 French classes I teach).  I also managed to start the individual conferences with my students. During these conferences, we discussed the Prescribed Learning Outcomes (PLOs) for the term and how their knowledge, in relation to these PLOs, translate into a letter grade.  InContinue reading “Letter Grades and Learning”

My Grading Journey – Part 3

As I continue along my Grading Moratorium journey, and having my students take more ownership over their learning (and the grades they receive for the term), I am surprised often. I am surprised at the honesty, self-reflection, realism, and insight of my Grade 5 students.  I was concerned that everyone would say they deserved toContinue reading “My Grading Journey – Part 3”

First Self-Reflection Conferences

The first term reporting period is upon us.  In the past few weeks, I have reflected on and  written about my struggles with assigning letter grades to my students.  By putting my concerns and struggles out there for all to read, many of you gave me wonderful support and suggestions.  Thank you all so much!Continue reading “First Self-Reflection Conferences”

My Grading Moratorium Story

At what stage of the abolish grading game are you? I am at the beginning stages of abolishing grading.  As a Vice-Principal in an inner-city elementary school Surrey, British Columbia, I spend 70% of my admin assignment teaching.  30% of this teaching assignment includes being an Intermediate Prep teacher.  Each class comes to me forContinue reading “My Grading Moratorium Story”

Letter Grades Pt. 2

If you read my last blog post, you know how much I am struggling with giving out letter grades this term.  I received some great advice and many blog posts to read in relation to this very topic.  It was exciting to read other people’s ideas.  If you happened to be a fly on theContinue reading “Letter Grades Pt. 2”