Future Members of Society

As I wrote about recently, I had the pleasure of participating in the BCPVPA Short Course for administrators last week. We had many inspiring speakers, great connections with administrators from around the province and heart-felt conversations about kids and the future. On Friday, we had the pleasure of learning from Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser.Continue reading “Future Members of Society”

Things I Know For Sure

This past week, 120+ new administrators and 20+ facilitators gathered at UBC for connection, inspiration, and reflection. We all participated in the BCPVPA Short Course: Lenses of Leadership for new Administrators that has been happening at the beginning of July for the past 38 years (you can check out the hashtag #bcpvpa for some inspiration).Continue reading “Things I Know For Sure”

Leadership Day 2014

Every year, on the anniversary of his blog, Scott McLeod from Dangerously Irrelevant, encourages educators to blog about effective digital leadership. As Scott states, “If leaders don’t get it, it’s not going to happen.” These Leadership Day posts have been written by leaders around the world every day for the past 8 years. You can viewContinue reading “Leadership Day 2014”

#ISTE2014 Reflection #1

I am sure that I could write countless posts about ISTE 2014 (and I might just do that). It was an amazing experience which I am still trying to fully process. I’m really not sure I will be able to process it all, in fact. It was just so much to take in, connect withContinue reading “#ISTE2014 Reflection #1”

Spirals of Inquiry

Last year, many administrators participated in a couple days of learning entitled Leadership 360, spearheaded by our Deputy Superintendent, Jordan Tinney. It was an inspiring day that helped to focus the participants on what is really important, and, in fact, imperative in moving our students forward and improving student achievement: Assessment For Learning. As partContinue reading “Spirals of Inquiry”

Can’t Force Learning

I must be trying to get my head back into school-mode because everything that happens lately, no matter how small, makes me think about school, leadership, and learning. My last post here is one example. This morning, while relaxing in bed for a while too long, my 2-year-old wanted me to help him up onContinue reading “Can’t Force Learning”

Don’t Look Up

I do stairs regularly as part of my exercise regime. Today, I did a set of stairs that were particularly difficult. They were steep and seemed to go on forever. 176 stairs down and 176 stairs up. It was the UP that was hurting me today. I’d get about one third of the way upContinue reading “Don’t Look Up”

Embedded Formative Assessment

Recently, I completed reading, Embedded Formative Assessment by Dylan Wiliam.  To say it is an important read would be an understatement. What I think I liked most about the book was that it is grounded in research and a true understanding of what is necessary to improve student achievement.  I think teachers will love thatContinue reading “Embedded Formative Assessment”

Importance of Scaffolding

In a recent discussion with a friend, we talked about meeting the needs of our highly diverse students.  We talked about the difficulties some people seem to have with understanding the need to scaffold work for students. The discussion reminded me of when I was a student teacher way back when and my faculty associate,Continue reading “Importance of Scaffolding”

Battle of Technology and Pedagogy

First of all, I have a bit of a confession.  When I started on Twitter again almost 2 years ago, I didn’t deeply understand when I read, “It’s not about the technology.” Yes, I understood it on a surface level, and nodded in agreement whenever I heard those words. But, I didn’t really deeply understand.Continue reading “Battle of Technology and Pedagogy”