What My Inner City School Experience Has Given Me

This is going to be a somewhat personal post. I have been pondering this for quite some time and have finally decided to write about it and share. For the past 2 and one half years I have been the vice-principal of an inner-city school in the school district where I work (not all ourContinue reading “What My Inner City School Experience Has Given Me”

11 Lessons Learned on the Stairs Today

As many of you many know, I have a passion for photography. I love taking photos and revisiting places I have been, moments in time, and all kind of memories through photographs I take. Unfortunately, I do not take photos as often as I'd like anymore. So, this post will feature some my most recentContinue reading “11 Lessons Learned on the Stairs Today”

Don’t Look Up

I do stairs regularly as part of my exercise regime. Today, I did a set of stairs that were particularly difficult. They were steep and seemed to go on forever. 176 stairs down and 176 stairs up. It was the UP that was hurting me today. I’d get about one third of the way upContinue reading “Don’t Look Up”

I Am a Plunger

About 10 years ago, I had 3 websites that I developed and kept up to date: Educational Links for Teachers, Poetry Pages for Teachers, and a Classroom website.  All of these have been taken off the net, unfortunately.  Not sure why I took them down, but I did.  I’m not even sure how I would goContinue reading “I Am a Plunger”

A Lesson Learned

As I get ready to start a new school year, at a new school, I am reflecting on my previous years experience as a Vice-Principal.  My mind is filled with so many questions.  What worked in my previous assignments?  What didn’t work as well?  What would I like my goals to be for the upcoming year?  WhereContinue reading “A Lesson Learned”