Future Members of Society

As I wrote about recently, I had the pleasure of participating in the BCPVPA Short Course for administrators last week. We had many inspiring speakers, great connections with administrators from around the province and heart-felt conversations about kids and the future. On Friday, we had the pleasure of learning from Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser.Continue reading “Future Members of Society”

Not a “Techie”

This may be a strange post written by someone who blogs about education and sometimes about the amazing things that we can accomplish using technology in our schools. I love what can be done now with our students. I love the connections we can make with people and experts around the world. I love that weContinue reading “Not a “Techie””

Leadership Day 2014

Every year, on the anniversary of his blog, Scott McLeod from Dangerously Irrelevant, encourages educators to blog about effective digital leadership. As Scott states, “If leaders don’t get it, it’s not going to happen.” These Leadership Day posts have been written by leaders around the world every day for the past 8 years. You can viewContinue reading “Leadership Day 2014”

Global Read Aloud 2014

The Global Read Aloud is coming this fall (starting October 6 – November 14). For the duration of these 6 weeks, teachers will read aloud a book (or books by a particular author for primary-aged students). Learn more about the Global Read Aloud by watching this video by Pernille Ripp. More information about the timeline canContinue reading “Global Read Aloud 2014”

#ISTE2014 Reflection #1

I am sure that I could write countless posts about ISTE 2014 (and I might just do that). It was an amazing experience which I am still trying to fully process. I’m really not sure I will be able to process it all, in fact. It was just so much to take in, connect withContinue reading “#ISTE2014 Reflection #1”

4 Reasons Why Educators Should Engage in Social Media

There are so many reasons why I believe that it is imperative that educators and leaders in education be involved in social media, in one form or another. It really has been some of the best learning (if not the best) I have done in my almost 20-year education career!   There are many educatorsContinue reading “4 Reasons Why Educators Should Engage in Social Media”

New Uses For the Old Planner

Recently, I read a tweet from a fellow district administrator: This tweet made me reflect upon my own use of the traditional student planner when I was a classroom teacher.  I taught primary grades – many of which included teaching the youngest learners – students in Grade 1.  We had the typical student planners andContinue reading “New Uses For the Old Planner”

Educating to the Edges

As I mentioned in a recent post, I really enjoy listening to podcasts.  I find some real gems of ideas and resources through some amazing educators through listening to their podcasts. Some of these resources really resonate with me in such a way that makes me NEED to share it with others. Today was oneContinue reading “Educating to the Edges”

Supporting Social Media

I’ve been playing with a new-to-me web-based app called Piktochart.  It can be used to make infographics. Here is my first attempt. I thought I would use it instead of doing a “regular” blog post on a topic I was wanting to write about. So here it is.  Let me know what you think. ThanksContinue reading “Supporting Social Media”

It’s Not Just Chance

I am, once again, amazed by the impact of being a connected educator! Being connected provides many opportunities one would not think possible. Being connected allows you to form meaningful relationships with others in a way that others might find difficult to understand. Being connected levels the playing field – there is not a greatContinue reading “It’s Not Just Chance”