Beautiful Day in Vancouver

It has been quite a few weeks since we last went on our family walk along the seawall. With our double stroller, our mittens, our scarves, our toques, our winter coats, the rain cover, our umbrellas, and our rain jackets, we headed downtown (we live in a suburb). Yah, we our weather can be quite unpredictableContinue reading “Beautiful Day in Vancouver”

100 Minutes of Genius

I am in the midst of completing  individual conferences with my students about their learning this term (and their grades). The end of the term is coming.  It is a natural break in units and the focus on prescribed learning outcomes.  Sure, I could start a new unit with my 4 classes and work onContinue reading “100 Minutes of Genius”

So Fortunate

As a teaching Vice-Principal, I am truly amazed by all that I get to experience each day.  Not only do I teach Health & Career Education and French to intermediate students, but I also have the opportunity to be the Early Literacy Teacher in our school.  During my Early Literacy teaching time, I work withContinue reading “So Fortunate”

My Grading Journey – Part 3

As I continue along my Grading Moratorium journey, and having my students take more ownership over their learning (and the grades they receive for the term), I am surprised often. I am surprised at the honesty, self-reflection, realism, and insight of my Grade 5 students.  I was concerned that everyone would say they deserved toContinue reading “My Grading Journey – Part 3”

Charmed, I’m Sure

Have you ever met a little 6-year-old boy with Super-Powers?  Or, perhaps a better question would be: Have you ever met a little 6-year-old boy who didn’t have Super-Powers? Many boys this age are full of energy, excitement, enthusiasm, and beans. Yes, a lot of BEANS! Some of these children also have very little self-controlContinue reading “Charmed, I’m Sure”

First Self-Reflection Conferences

The first term reporting period is upon us.  In the past few weeks, I have reflected on and  written about my struggles with assigning letter grades to my students.  By putting my concerns and struggles out there for all to read, many of you gave me wonderful support and suggestions.  Thank you all so much!Continue reading “First Self-Reflection Conferences”

The Primary Pad Buzz

After hearing about one of our teacher’s experience and witnessing the excitement of the students, I knew I wanted to give PrimaryPad a try with my own classes.  It went really well, for the most part.  The second class I tried it with went much better than the first class though.  I think that myContinue reading “The Primary Pad Buzz”

A Lesson in Persistence and Collaboration

One of our Grade 5 teachers tried something new a couple of weeks ago. It turned out fabulous, but not without a few hiccups.  Her class is studying the environment, so she wanted to have her class collaboratively answer a debatable question regarding farming salmon.  With the help of our Teacher-Librarian, she and another GradeContinue reading “A Lesson in Persistence and Collaboration”

My Grading Moratorium Story

At what stage of the abolish grading game are you? I am at the beginning stages of abolishing grading.  As a Vice-Principal in an inner-city elementary school Surrey, British Columbia, I spend 70% of my admin assignment teaching.  30% of this teaching assignment includes being an Intermediate Prep teacher.  Each class comes to me forContinue reading “My Grading Moratorium Story”

Be Present

Be Present (and so will they) (My version of “Build it and They Will Come”) There is a little boy in our school who is a runner and a hider.  He runs away from his Grade 1 class regularly.  He leaves the classroom when something is wrong: usually when he has been disciplined.   We, atContinue reading “Be Present”