Beautiful Day in Vancouver

It has been quite a few weeks since we last went on our family walk along the seawall. With our double stroller, our mittens, our scarves, our toques, our winter coats, the rain cover, our umbrellas, and our rain jackets, we headed downtown (we live in a suburb). Yah, we our weather can be quite unpredictable here and it’s important to be prepared, especially when you’re with children. We were pleasantly surprised that all of the above remained at the bottom of the stroller.

Here are some photos of our lovely day walking around the Stanley Park seawall (click to view enlarged photos).

This was the start of our walk.


There were a lot of little waterfalls all along the seawall
because it rained so much last night and this morning.

Look at the beautiful fall colours. Vancouver is so photogenic!

I liked the reflections of the clouds in this shot.

Look at the beautiful colours in this shot.  It was such an amazing day!  It almost felt like Spring!

This is Lost Lagoon. Again, I am in love with the reflections here.

It wouldn’t be a walk in Stanley Park without a photo of the peaceful swans.

A little fall day bokeh.

Before we left the house today, I asked our 6-year-old daughter to get a hat so she decided to bring her Santa hat along.  Why not, right?  ‘Tis (almost) the season.  I took photos of all three of our kiddos taking turns wearing the hat. Aren’t they cute?

Here is a self-portrait saying “Hi” to you all!

That was our day in our beautiful city.  Stanley Park is one of our most favourite places to visit as a family.  We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful city/province.

Published by Tia M. Dawson

There are many things that define who I am as a person. First of all, I am a mother of 3 wonderful children! I can not express how fortunate we are to have our children in our life! Secondly, I am an elementary educator who recently returned to the classroom after 12+ years as an elementary school administrator. Lastly, I am passionate about helping others, learning about abuse, helping others in abusive relationships, and helping others understand their worth.

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