The Primary Pad Buzz

After hearing about one of our teacher’s experience and witnessing the excitement of the students, I knew I wanted to give PrimaryPad a try with my own classes.  It went really well, for the most part.  The second class I tried it with went much better than the first class though.  I think that myContinue reading “The Primary Pad Buzz”

A Lesson in Persistence and Collaboration

One of our Grade 5 teachers tried something new a couple of weeks ago. It turned out fabulous, but not without a few hiccups.  Her class is studying the environment, so she wanted to have her class collaboratively answer a debatable question regarding farming salmon.  With the help of our Teacher-Librarian, she and another GradeContinue reading “A Lesson in Persistence and Collaboration”

My Grading Moratorium Story

At what stage of the abolish grading game are you? I am at the beginning stages of abolishing grading.  As a Vice-Principal in an inner-city elementary school Surrey, British Columbia, I spend 70% of my admin assignment teaching.  30% of this teaching assignment includes being an Intermediate Prep teacher.  Each class comes to me forContinue reading “My Grading Moratorium Story”