Important Message

Important Message by an Inspirational Adult I would like to introduce you all to Riia Talve. I really wanted to feature Riia on our Inspirational Kids blog, but she is no longer a student. She is an adult with a very important message, one that we should listen to carefully and then reflect on ourContinue reading “Important Message”

PLN Starter for Elementary Teachers

Our school is one of the schools who received an Innovative Learning Designs Grant for this coming year.  This is Phase 2 of the District project.  You can learn a little about the Innovative Learning Design Project here. To help our teachers build their Personal Learning Network, I thought it would be a good ideaContinue reading “PLN Starter for Elementary Teachers”

Inspirational Kids

I started a new blog last night.  Kind of a spur of a moment thing, really, but I think it will be fun.  The blog was inspired by George Couros (@gcouros on Twitter) who posted a wonderful video about an amazing little boy named Caine. The blog will focus on all the amazing kids weContinue reading “Inspirational Kids”

Inspiring Video

While on Twitter tonight, I can across a tweet by David Culberhouse (@DCulberhouse on Twitter) to Chris Wejr (@ChrisWejr on Twitter). David was recommending Chris watch a video by Simon Sinek (@simonsinek on Twitter).  It was a recent talk that Simon had given at Creative Mornings, a monthly breakfast lecture series. Each event is freeContinue reading “Inspiring Video”

Professional Reading for the Summer

Summer Reading I have bitten off way more than I can chew when I look at the books I have bought and downloaded to read this summer.  Oh my.  I thought I would share some of the titles here, and, hopefully, writing this post will hold me a little accountable and help to ensure thatContinue reading “Professional Reading for the Summer”

It’s All About Relationships

I have been back on Twitter for a year now (I was originally Twitter in April, 2009, but didn’t really see the point of it, so I left it behind for a few years). It has been truly an amazing year of professional development and relationship-building. During this time, I have learned a great dealContinue reading “It’s All About Relationships”

My Resilient Little Girl

My 7-year-old daughter continues to amaze me every day. A little over a week ago, she broke her elbow playing on the monkey bars (or more specifically, falling OFF the monkey bars). It was a very bad break so she had to undergo surgery to fix it. You can see pictures and read the blogContinue reading “My Resilient Little Girl”

We Need to Get These Kids Reading!

I was reading a blog post tonight written by someone I admire in my PLN, Jessica Johnson (@principalj on Twitter). She is a principal in a K-5 school in Wisconsin.  She is a principal whom I’ve been following for the past year and someone who I can really relate to.  I find her to beContinue reading “We Need to Get These Kids Reading!”

Power of Your Words

“What if . . . ?”      “Yeah, but . . .” These two phrases include only a couple of little words each, but they are very powerful words which can either change the way things are done or keep things stagnant. Recently, I listened to a EdAdmin podcast on the EdReach Network.  This thirdContinue reading “Power of Your Words”

Personalized Learning

The great debate in education, particularly where I live in British Columbia, seems to be Personalized Learning or Personalized Education. There was an #edchat chat this Tuesday with this as the topic. The focus for the chat was based on the following question, “What do we mean by the personalization of education & is itContinue reading “Personalized Learning”