My Word for 2015

Many educators have been reflecting on 2014 and making plans for 2015. In doing so, many have chosen one (or more) word to be their focus for this year. This word reflects what they feel is most important in their own growth – both personally and professionally – for 2015. When I reflect on 2014Continue reading “My Word for 2015”


The other day, I was asked a question about who inspires me. What a great question! I could go on and on for hours about all the people who inspire me each and every day.  As administrators, we are fortunate to have the opportunity to work with many people: kids, teachers, education assistants, parents, communityContinue reading “Inspired”

Power of Sharing

I still haven’t finished my “Introduction” to ETMOOC post, but will do that soon. I just had to get this post out of my head tonight. This afternoon, I attended Dean Shareski’s Sharing as Accountability session in the #ETMOOC (Educational Technology Massive Online Open Course) today. It was a great session because it just reaffirmedContinue reading “Power of Sharing”

Learning From My Kids

I’ve really been enjoying my time these past couple of weeks.  It’s been nice to “get away from it all” and just take some much-needed time to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate. I had some lofty plans on getting caught up with work (are you *ever* really caught up?). While I did get a few thingsContinue reading “Learning From My Kids”

Life-Long Learners

This summer, I read a number of interesting, informative and inspiring books. The Connected Educator: Learning and Leading in a Digital Age by Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach and Lani Ritter Hall was one of the books I read. Not only does The Connected Educator have a lot of information, it also has many “Get Connected” activities toContinue reading “Life-Long Learners”

Twitter for Beginners

We are about to embark upon our Staff Digital Learning Journey. We are calling our sessions “Digital Discovery”.  It is an exciting time for us all (and probably filled with some nervousness).  In an effort to make this new learning fun, interesting, and worthwhile, but not overwhelming, I am providing staff with an opportunity toContinue reading “Twitter for Beginners”

Pushing the Envelope

We are about to embark upon an exciting new school year! Our school received an Innovative Learning Designs Grant which 10 of our teachers are involved with. Those teachers formed small groups and wrote inquiry questions in April of last year. Those inquiry questions were to be their focus this year.  We  will be revisitingContinue reading “Pushing the Envelope”

Personalized Learning

The great debate in education, particularly where I live in British Columbia, seems to be Personalized Learning or Personalized Education. There was an #edchat chat this Tuesday with this as the topic. The focus for the chat was based on the following question, “What do we mean by the personalization of education & is itContinue reading “Personalized Learning”

School is Home

While I have always known it, from personal experience, this year made me realize once again just how important school is for our students.  School is a safe place for many students.  The ONLY safe place. Our students know what to expect, for the most part, from school. They know what to expect from theirContinue reading “School is Home”

Top 10 in 10 Series: Web 2.0 Tools 5/10

For the past 8 months, I have been introduced to and have used many Web 2.0 Tools – personally, with my staff and school, and with my students.  I would like to briefly share some of the Web 2.0 tools I have used the most this year. This is a very brief list of anContinue reading “Top 10 in 10 Series: Web 2.0 Tools 5/10”