International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is March 8. It is a time for us to come together to celebrate the achievements of women. It is also a time to acknowledge the inequities that have existed and still for women: in homes, in workplaces, and in society. It is a time to acknowledge our biases and move towardContinue reading “International Women’s Day”


COVID-19 (not to mention all the other life challenges we all face). Need I say more? Inevitably, life has challenging times. That is a given and to be expected. While there were predictions of a pandemic happening in the future at some point, what was not expected, was it happening now. For the past 6Continue reading “Self-Compassion”


It’s been a long time since I wrote my last blog post, and even longer since I did so regularly. Today, I finally feel ready to start to blog again. A little. I’ve missed it. As a way to begin, and to share part of my healing journey, I’m going to start with a roughContinue reading “Noticing”

Be Kind to Yourself

It was Friday morning and my classroom was empty. The students had just left with the teacher who helps them exchange their library books for the week. A few minutes after my students in Grade 1 and 2 left the class, in walked in another student. He was a few minutes late and had hisContinue reading “Be Kind to Yourself”

For Some, WE are IT

Things can get rather challenging in inner-city schools near Spring Break. Come to think of it, working in an Inner-City school, or any school, for that matter, is always challenging. Staff are tired and have been working hard for months! Students are also tired and some may be feeling the stress of an upcoming break andContinue reading “For Some, WE are IT”

It’s Not About Breakfast

We have a Breakfast Club at our school which is open  each morning from 7:30-8:25, when the morning school bell rings.  In all honesty, it actually usually runs past this time because kids are not often turned away when they come in late and we know they’ve not had breakfast. Last week, we had theContinue reading “It’s Not About Breakfast”

School is Home

While I have always known it, from personal experience, this year made me realize once again just how important school is for our students.  School is a safe place for many students.  The ONLY safe place. Our students know what to expect, for the most part, from school. They know what to expect from theirContinue reading “School is Home”

Mother’s Day Reflection

I have celebrated eight Mother’s Days (if you count the one when I was pregnant with my daughter who is now 7-years-old).  I am very fortunate to have 3 wonderful children: Trista (7), Pauli (4), and Carson (1).  I am proud of each one of them for many reasons. When I became a mom, IContinue reading “Mother’s Day Reflection”

Office as Punishment Vs Understanding

As administrators, we are often responsible for disciplining children. When students misbehave, they are often sent to the office.  There are many ways administrators can deal with children when they are sent to the office.  The office can be seen as a venue of punishment or of care and understanding.   Office as One ofContinue reading “Office as Punishment Vs Understanding”

Be Present

Be Present (and so will they) (My version of “Build it and They Will Come”) There is a little boy in our school who is a runner and a hider.  He runs away from his Grade 1 class regularly.  He leaves the classroom when something is wrong: usually when he has been disciplined.   We, atContinue reading “Be Present”