Fred Factor – Do you have it?

I very recently read Fred Factor by Mark Sanborn.  This  was recommended by educational leader, Justin Tarte in his must reads  for those in the field of education.  At the beginning of his book, Sanborn describes is postman, Fred and how Fred went above and beyond all expectations as a US Postal Carrier. Not onlyContinue reading “Fred Factor – Do you have it?”

Spirals of Inquiry

Last year, many administrators participated in a couple days of learning entitled Leadership 360, spearheaded by our Deputy Superintendent, Jordan Tinney. It was an inspiring day that helped to focus the participants on what is really important, and, in fact, imperative in moving our students forward and improving student achievement: Assessment For Learning. As partContinue reading “Spirals of Inquiry”

11 Lessons Learned on the Stairs Today

As many of you many know, I have a passion for photography. I love taking photos and revisiting places I have been, moments in time, and all kind of memories through photographs I take. Unfortunately, I do not take photos as often as I'd like anymore. So, this post will feature some my most recentContinue reading “11 Lessons Learned on the Stairs Today”

Can’t Force Learning

I must be trying to get my head back into school-mode because everything that happens lately, no matter how small, makes me think about school, leadership, and learning. My last post here is one example. This morning, while relaxing in bed for a while too long, my 2-year-old wanted me to help him up onContinue reading “Can’t Force Learning”

Don’t Look Up

I do stairs regularly as part of my exercise regime. Today, I did a set of stairs that were particularly difficult. They were steep and seemed to go on forever. 176 stairs down and 176 stairs up. It was the UP that was hurting me today. I’d get about one third of the way upContinue reading “Don’t Look Up”

Why I Lead

Recently, George Couros started a School Administrator Virtual Mentorship Program (#SAVMP) which over 300 educational leaders will participate in for the 2013/2014 school year (and beyond). One of the first questions we were given the opportunity to reflect on is an important one: Why do you lead? First of all, for me, and most educators,Continue reading “Why I Lead”

School Makes Our Students…

Okay, I am a bit behind on things I want to blog about, but here it goes… Back in March (yah, March), there was a lot on the web about what happens when you type “School makes me” into a Google search. A lot of not so nice things come up in the search resultsContinue reading “School Makes Our Students…”