Innovation Days

Last year, our school participated in Identity Day.  Every member of our school community: all students and all staff, created an Identity Day Project.  The projects represented something about who they were as individuals. The projects could have represented something about their life, something they liked, or something they were passionate about. You get the idea.Continue reading “Innovation Days”

Things to Celebrate

As the end of Spring Break is upon us, I came across a recent post by a Vancouver Teacher, Carrie Gelson. In it, she wrote about some of the things she has to celebrate at the completion of Spring Break.  It is so important to acknowledge and celebrate things, no matter how small.  The last termContinue reading “Things to Celebrate”

4 Reasons Why Educators Should Engage in Social Media

There are so many reasons why I believe that it is imperative that educators and leaders in education be involved in social media, in one form or another. It really has been some of the best learning (if not the best) I have done in my almost 20-year education career!   There are many educatorsContinue reading “4 Reasons Why Educators Should Engage in Social Media”

What My Inner City School Experience Has Given Me

This is going to be a somewhat personal post. I have been pondering this for quite some time and have finally decided to write about it and share. For the past 2 and one half years I have been the vice-principal of an inner-city school in the school district where I work (not all ourContinue reading “What My Inner City School Experience Has Given Me”

Happy Spring – 200th Blog Post!

With my 200th blog post upon me, I wanted it to include a personal passion of mine – photography.  Since it is Spring Break and it was such a beautiful day yesterday, I got out my camera and my family and I spent the day in Stanley Park. What a beautiful day for fun outsideContinue reading “Happy Spring – 200th Blog Post!”

New Uses For the Old Planner

Recently, I read a tweet from a fellow district administrator: This tweet made me reflect upon my own use of the traditional student planner when I was a classroom teacher.  I taught primary grades – many of which included teaching the youngest learners – students in Grade 1.  We had the typical student planners andContinue reading “New Uses For the Old Planner”

For Some, WE are IT

Things can get rather challenging in inner-city schools near Spring Break. Come to think of it, working in an Inner-City school, or any school, for that matter, is always challenging. Staff are tired and have been working hard for months! Students are also tired and some may be feeling the stress of an upcoming break andContinue reading “For Some, WE are IT”