New Uses For the Old Planner

Recently, I read a tweet from a fellow district administrator: This tweet made me reflect upon my own use of the traditional student planner when I was a classroom teacher.  I taught primary grades – many of which included teaching the youngest learners – students in Grade 1.  We had the typical student planners andContinue reading “New Uses For the Old Planner”

Pushing the Envelope

We are about to embark upon an exciting new school year! Our school received an Innovative Learning Designs Grant which 10 of our teachers are involved with. Those teachers formed small groups and wrote inquiry questions in April of last year. Those inquiry questions were to be their focus this year.  We  will be revisitingContinue reading “Pushing the Envelope”

Top 10 in 10 Series: Web 2.0 Tools 5/10

For the past 8 months, I have been introduced to and have used many Web 2.0 Tools – personally, with my staff and school, and with my students.  I would like to briefly share some of the Web 2.0 tools I have used the most this year. This is a very brief list of anContinue reading “Top 10 in 10 Series: Web 2.0 Tools 5/10”

Life Long Learners

The district in which I work is an amazing district, full of truly dedicated educators and people who really care about kids.  They want to make a difference.  And they do. Each and every day. Last week, I blogged about the wonderful initiatives being provided to the administrators in our district: study groups, independent studies,Continue reading “Life Long Learners”