More Than One Path

Recently, while on vacation, I visited a playground with my three children (ages 9, 6, and 3). While I watched my three kids play I was struck by something that related not only to the varying developmental abilities of my three kids, but also to my work. The playground was filled with a variety of obstacles, challenges,Continue reading “More Than One Path”

Importance of Scaffolding

In a recent discussion with a friend, we talked about meeting the needs of our highly diverse students.  We talked about the difficulties some people seem to have with understanding the need to scaffold work for students. The discussion reminded me of when I was a student teacher way back when and my faculty associate,Continue reading “Importance of Scaffolding”

Some Plans For This Year

I have a new role in my school this year.  In addition to being the Vice-Principal, I will also be one of the Learning Support teachers (last year, I was the Early Literacy Teacher and the Intermediate Prep teacher for 4 classes in addition to my Vice-Principal role).  I look forward to being part ofContinue reading “Some Plans For This Year”

Inspiring Educators and Great Pro-D.

Currently, our school has 10 iPads.  We have also ordered another 28 (which I am kind of kicking myself now about since the iPad3 will be out in a matter of days). When these arrive, we will have a full 30-iPad-syncing cart and 8 additional iPads for non-enrolling teachers and support staff.  Each of ourContinue reading “Inspiring Educators and Great Pro-D.”

Differentiated Instruction or Personalized/Customized Learning – That is the Question

I attended John T. Spencer‘s session entitled, Customized Learning, at the Reform Symposium on the weekend.  It is quite amazing how inspiring a person can be in 30 minutes!  But, he was, just that, inspiring. He talked about “empowering the students to take ownership over their own learning.” I discussed his session in a previousContinue reading “Differentiated Instruction or Personalized/Customized Learning – That is the Question”

Personalized Learning – Help Needed

This fall, I will be teaching two classes which are new to me: Health & Career Education for 2 Grade 5 classes and Physical Education for 2 Grade 6 classes.  Looking at the prescribed learning outcomes as laid out by the BC Ministry of Education has made me excited about the prospect of teaching theseContinue reading “Personalized Learning – Help Needed”

Pinning Your Way to Pro-D

Professional Development is really everywhere and anywhere you want to look!  I realized this when a few friends introduced me to Pinterest.  This is a website where you have a number of themed virtual bulletin boards that you fill with items from different websites.  If you like something, you simply “pin” it to your appropriateContinue reading “Pinning Your Way to Pro-D”

Prezi! Prezi! Prezi!

Wow!  I finished my first Prezi!  This is a great presentation tool that can be used for any audience. I designed this prezi for the Grade 5 classes who I will be teaching Health and Career Eduction to in the fall.  It is an introductory prezi that gives the students an overview of Health and CareerContinue reading “Prezi! Prezi! Prezi!”

More Tech Resources

In the past couple of weeks, I have done a lot of exploring and learning online.  I am amazed by what I find and what is now on the internet.  I can’t believe I have seemingly been missing out on so much. As a way to document my own learning, and, hopefully, inspire some newContinue reading “More Tech Resources”

Resources to Check Out!

There are so many cool tools online for educators and parents. These tools are great for integrating technology into your classroom/home.  I am going to talk a bit here about a few of the tools I’ve learned about and explored.  All of these tools are new to me within the past week.  Yah, I feel like I’ve beenContinue reading “Resources to Check Out!”