My Formal Leadership Journey

One of the topics of #etmooc has been Digital Storytelling.  Telling stories through the use of pictures is a powerful way to share.  One of the Digital Storytelling assignments for #etmooc is to do a Five Card Flickr story. For this story, you are given 5 photos to choose from. You must pic one photoContinue reading “My Formal Leadership Journey”

It’s All About Sharing!

When I started my blog almost 2 years ago, I struggled with coming up with a name for it.  It took me a couple of weeks to finally decide my blog should be titled, “It’s All About Learning”.  For me, it IS all about learning. Everything I do has something to do with learning something:Continue reading “It’s All About Sharing!”

Easy Movie-Making Alternative

In a recent post, I described a Digital Storytelling session in the Digital Sandbox for Administrators that fellow administrator, Antonio Vendramin and I offered for other Surrey School District administrators. You can read about that session here.  During this session, we used iMovie on the iPad to make 60-second movies.  These movies can be veryContinue reading “Easy Movie-Making Alternative”

Playing in the Admin Digital Sandbox

The district in which I work is a very innovative district. We have been focussing on developing important skills like, communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking in our students. To truly have any possibility of that happening, it is important for teachers to understand the importance of these skills and be exploring them for themselves.Continue reading “Playing in the Admin Digital Sandbox”