Leadership Day 2014

Every year, on the anniversary of his blog, Scott McLeod from Dangerously Irrelevant, encourages educators to blog about effective digital leadership. As Scott states, “If leaders don’t get it, it’s not going to happen.” These Leadership Day posts have been written by leaders around the world every day for the past 8 years. You can viewContinue reading “Leadership Day 2014”

It’s All About Sharing – SurreySchools.ca

We had one of our Digital Sandbox for Administrator sessions last week. You can see more information on the other sessions here, here, and here.  The most recent session was about our new district website and sharing platform.  Sharepoint allows us to share as a district in ways we have not been able to in theContinue reading “It’s All About Sharing – SurreySchools.ca”

Playing in the Admin Digital Sandbox

The district in which I work is a very innovative district. We have been focussing on developing important skills like, communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking in our students. To truly have any possibility of that happening, it is important for teachers to understand the importance of these skills and be exploring them for themselves.Continue reading “Playing in the Admin Digital Sandbox”

Power of Sharing

I still haven’t finished my “Introduction” to ETMOOC post, but will do that soon. I just had to get this post out of my head tonight. This afternoon, I attended Dean Shareski’s Sharing as Accountability session in the #ETMOOC (Educational Technology Massive Online Open Course) today. It was a great session because it just reaffirmedContinue reading “Power of Sharing”

Learning From My Kids

I’ve really been enjoying my time these past couple of weeks.  It’s been nice to “get away from it all” and just take some much-needed time to relax, reflect, and rejuvenate. I had some lofty plans on getting caught up with work (are you *ever* really caught up?). While I did get a few thingsContinue reading “Learning From My Kids”

Power of Your Words

“What if . . . ?”      “Yeah, but . . .” These two phrases include only a couple of little words each, but they are very powerful words which can either change the way things are done or keep things stagnant. Recently, I listened to a EdAdmin podcast on the EdReach Network.  This thirdContinue reading “Power of Your Words”

Personalized Learning

The great debate in education, particularly where I live in British Columbia, seems to be Personalized Learning or Personalized Education. There was an #edchat chat this Tuesday with this as the topic. The focus for the chat was based on the following question, “What do we mean by the personalization of education & is itContinue reading “Personalized Learning”

Top 10 in 10 Series: Web 2.0 Tools 5/10

For the past 8 months, I have been introduced to and have used many Web 2.0 Tools – personally, with my staff and school, and with my students.  I would like to briefly share some of the Web 2.0 tools I have used the most this year. This is a very brief list of anContinue reading “Top 10 in 10 Series: Web 2.0 Tools 5/10”

Top 10 in 10 Series: Celebrating my 100th Blog Post 3/10

There have been many people who have influenced and continue to influence me on the web. In fact, it is very difficult to limit this to 10!  I probably could have made my entire 100 list based on those who influence my thinking. I will limit it to 10 here though. If you don’t knowContinue reading “Top 10 in 10 Series: Celebrating my 100th Blog Post 3/10”

Transformation with @gcouros

This past Tuesday, March 6, the administrators in our district had our second “Digital Discovery” session.  During each session, we learn about different 21st Century Learning tools/strategies or ideas.  This session was all about Social Media.  There were over 180 administrators who came to our event, excited to be together, but a bit apprehensive aboutContinue reading “Transformation with @gcouros”