International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day is March 8. It is a time for us to come together to celebrate the achievements of women. It is also a time to acknowledge the inequities that have existed and still for women: in homes, in workplaces, and in society. It is a time to acknowledge our biases and move towardContinue reading “International Women’s Day”

Spirals of Inquiry

Last year, many administrators participated in a couple days of learning entitled Leadership 360, spearheaded by our Deputy Superintendent, Jordan Tinney. It was an inspiring day that helped to focus the participants on what is really important, and, in fact, imperative in moving our students forward and improving student achievement: Assessment For Learning. As partContinue reading “Spirals of Inquiry”

Beautiful Day in Vancouver

It has been quite a few weeks since we last went on our family walk along the seawall. With our double stroller, our mittens, our scarves, our toques, our winter coats, the rain cover, our umbrellas, and our rain jackets, we headed downtown (we live in a suburb). Yah, we our weather can be quite unpredictableContinue reading “Beautiful Day in Vancouver”

I Heart Pro. D.

If you’ve been reading my blog, you probably know that I love learning.  So, it wouldn’t surprise you that I love Professional Development Days and today was one of those days. While I will discuss my Professional Development Day experience in a later blog post, I just wanted to talk briefly about why I loveContinue reading “I Heart Pro. D.”